Saturday, July 30, 2005


so last night was the latest/earliest i've stayed out in Auckland, to celebrate Moayed Jamie's birthday!! hehe.. she was uber shocked la. must have been really touching to have sucha revelation. so yeah. it went really really nicely. smooth operation i may add. cross cultural co-operation. cool. oh yeah. one thing is that the arabians are really a hospitable bunch. nicee peeps. ;) ah well. came home at 2.30am when was supposed to get back at 12.30 :S not in trouble. *yet* haha... then heard there was this fire alarm.. that's why it kinda helped us stall for time... which was good.. heh.

anyway, thoughts have gone thru my head and gone. nothing much. just. realisations. no big deal eh? anyway, i love you. i'll be home soon honey. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

a week on eh?

so im here. back again. all alone. in the wilderness, uh, in the urban city of auckland. sort of. ha.

ah well. life here is almost at full swing again. i still havent adapted to the time change and super sleepy now. woot. sleepy me. or was it just lazy me? ah well. sleepy and lazy jace going to sleep now. have fun peeps. :)

love ya! ;)

update: i just realised i didnt make much sense. ah well. i'll blog properly later. :D

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Out of my Head..

Fastball-Out of my Head

Sometimes I feel
Like I am drunk behind the wheel
The wheel of possibility
However it may roll
Give it a spin
See if you can somehow factor in
You know there's always more than one way
To say exactly what you mean to say
Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind?
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was waiting for an indication
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad then its time you spoke up too

i.. can't.

i can't let go either.

i can't. i just can't.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


i feel fresh. i feel alive. i feel motivated. how about you? thanks mom. i can do it.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

life goes on. :)

okay, this is a poem from my dear momma which i have in reply...

6 years of acquaintance,
6 days of saying hello louder and clearer.
a few days and you'll be gone,
for another unknown frame of time.
maybe 2 years , or 10,
or never coming back.
its going to be hard saying goodbye.
no doubt tears will flow and time cleans the slate.
but thank you for all your precious time,
even if the memories fade.

Dear mum,
it has been 6 days to catch up on 6 years. not really appropriate? yeah. but best we could do. :) anyway, i've been away for what, 6 months, going away for another 6 months in 6 days, then i'll be back for 6 weeks. after which, i'll be gone hopefully for at most 6 years, then maybe for life. i really wish so. again mum, thank you for those past 6 days where u have spent like 6 hours with me, making me feel like 6 again. heh. or 16. i don't know why, but i just love the number 6. or maybe someone else does too ;) anyway, that was really lousy gimmick. forgive me. anyhow, i'll miss you much. very much. may God bless you in all your future endevours. Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be!

P.S I know it's not by coincidence that 6/6 is also the Queen's birthday. ;) it shows.

Yours, with love,
Sonny boy,

btw fellas, this goes out to all of you. i'll miss you guys. really much. :'(

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

laziness. is a virtue. eat that.

my brethren, before i start, let me leave with you, a word to be scared in your hearts forever, never to be forgotten. laziness. is a virtue.

ha. it's true btw.

Monday, July 11, 2005


singapore. :)


singapore. :)

Friday, July 08, 2005

pimp this you pimp. ha.