Sunday, February 19, 2006

so i fly..

detachments seem much easier now. hooked on by a single clip. easy eh? think it get's going when you know how to differentiate between friends and acquaintances. well, going places. :)

...with the wind

Sunday, February 05, 2006

game over.

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory Dickory Dock

life in a video game.

ever felt you reached game over too quick too soon? then realise you actually have 1 life left? an undeserving 2nd shot at redemption. lucky for me, this stage is over, next stage.

next level, one life left. make or break. but i like the idea of another chance. wouldn't you want another go? sure you do. don't lie to me boy. that'll be great eh? sorry to say, life ain't no video game. you pretty much can't earn an extra life by collecting coins, or jewels. you're pretty much at the mercy of others. most wouldn't, but i would. if i'm able, it's done. by my own powers (or lack off), you're forgiven.

one more time. are you game?

game. set. match. it's over. i win. we win.

let's fly.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

happy cny peeps.

just got back from sungei petani, which is like 1/2 hours drive from penang.. yup. really refreshing indulging in the yummy food, catching up with fellas from my mum's side. it's been a while. everyone's all grown up, doing their thang, working, securing deals, giving toasts, getting married. soon they'll have kids, start calling me uncle, or auntie, depending on how you are related to me, and hopefully we'll still be in touch till we crash at our deathbeds. kickass.

oh right. back to the trip. it was well yeah, fun. eating eating and just eating. heh. gonna get back into shape! yeah. i wish. :P till then fellas, happy cny!
