Tuesday, April 11, 2006

okay, here's what i don't get.

why do i get questions like "how's life" ? come on, why're you asking about life anyway? how come you're asking me about life? i'd rather you ask me how are you. you've known life for 18 years and known me for, like what, 2 months? so techinically you should know life better than you know me. in that case, wouldn't you rather want to get to know me instead (presuming that you're even interested) ? am i also to assume that life is, to you, more important than me? you should be, or else i'm bringing a stick next time just in case you try to touch me. i mean, c'mon, how much of me do you want? probably just enough to solve that problem in your life eh? we are after all driven by self-interest. so once i've lost that future benefit (to you) then i'm out of your life correct? that means that it's technically correct to be asking how is life rather than asking how am i right? gosh, then be a tad more sensitive and not ask the person you're gonna get rid off anyway!

heh. man, i think the stress's getting to me. studied too much accounting and now so damn technical. gosh.

oh, and just in case you're still wondering, life's as it is, life.

but i'm doing great thank you.. :D

Saturday, April 08, 2006

we all live to tell a story.
no two's the same.

that's why we have kids. because we can't wait to gloat over how much we've achieved, how much we have felt, and how much we have wasted. and our (grand)kids will just sit there listening intently, believing almost anything you say. heck, i wish my kid would even trust me when i say that santa abducted my pet monkey, mofo. hehe..

and since writing alone is *sometimes* very taxing, we find that co-author. the one to spruce things up a lil, making the tale a whole lot plausible. we tell the same story.


they fill the pages. of red and black. they still tell a tale.

of blood, tears, and love.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

my dirty lil secret.