Tuesday, August 22, 2006

to argue.. properly = Fellowship

Today's Argument Format:

A: Presents Conclusion
B: Counter-Conclusion
A: Conclusion
B: C-Conclusion
A & B: Deadlock

A: Yes!
B: No!
A: Yes!
B: No!
A & B: Yes... and No?

We notice that this method produces a lack of efficiency and eventually is unproductive. To achieve greater social cohesion, this is something that one may consider to use before saying anything, then regretting you ever said it. And maybe slap oneself while one's at it.

Proposed Argument Format:
A: Conclusion
B: Counter-Conclusion
A: Premise A
B: Premise B
A: Premise A'
B: Premise B'
A: Premise A"
B: Premise B"
A: Conclusion
B: Counter-Conclusion
A & B: Compromised/Mutual Conclusion

NB Premise A and B, A' and B', A" and B" have to complement each other. ie, arguing over a common ground.

This brings me to a point that has always crossed my mind. The very basis, I feel, of a successful argument (by successful, I don't mean that there necessarily has to be a 'winner', for if you look at it, there is no winner, only a bragger.) is a common subject to argue upon. For example, there is no way an argument over toilet paper is going to be based on pattern for one, and hamsters for the other. If you do not feel that you are able to bring your point across from one aspect, you either a) attack from another flank, or b) back off.

I think the point of an argument is really to have a compromise, more than an induction of faith. Therefore, one should only do so while trying to get an agreement out of it. I know that this is pretty much like having a shirt that fits all, or at least try to. So how are we to accommodate the headstrong and tractable? dense and.. not so dense? Here's a proposal: We don't do anything! As they are, they make the world as eclectic as it is. Without them, we would just be drones. Without them, there would be no leader-follower relationships, just comrade-comrade relationships. There would be no politics, no religion, no competition, not a scent of bloodshed for that matter. Basically, a FELLOWSHIP. But as we all know, this is not really possible on a larger political scale (see Eastern Bloc, USSR and CCP. Notice also that their structure was much like the fellowship style, with a single leader(s)). We need the balance. Therefore, we leave them as they are. They go on to be leaders. To be people of vision, and character, or lack of. So go on, create a ruckus and maybe don't embarass yourself too much!

But for the regular unambitious blokes (ie peasants), the aforementioned format may just suit you just nicely. :P

I'm not a professional argument... guy, but I am kinda well-built in the common sense area if I do say so myself and it really puzzles a person as worthless as myself as to how it isn't obvious enough. heh.

if you didn't get what i just said above, just remember, "happy happy joy joy" isn't getting us very far unless we do something about it. :)


Thursday, August 17, 2006

They're Humans!

DISCLAIMER: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.. i think.

He lay in the silence, entrenched in circles of gossip. Like a shot bear, tranquilised and crippled, as hunters cautiously gather their game. There's obviously nothing he could do about it. Lying there was probably his best move. This was not like chess: "My turn, your turn.". Not a game, governed by rules and respect. After all, resistance, as they say, is futile. revenge isn't. The Human stood there, an arm in a cast, injured by my very jaws, being an epitome of their class. Hurt.

Ten of them in all, turning up with sawed shotguns firmly in their grips. They were stricken with fear, yet enough courage to put a couple into his thick hide. They were people, enraged and bent on revenge, returning with the anger of a beaten down beast. Before he even went savage, the trigger had been pulled, sending an acute pain in his exposed abdomen. Bear, as he is affectionately known to his victims, fell to his knees, with another two bangs right into his already weakened spine. The People saw, as "spineless piece of shit" (his other more affectionate name), went down, finally. They witnessed the tall and mighty being, hitting face first onto the cold, hard ground. Almost frame by frame too. You can't blame them, honey. It's almost too typical of their race. Analytical, and petty. Counting in cents rather than dollars. Also, pitiful as individuals. Bear would have been right to think that they were easy targets. like hey, they're humans. what's the most they could do?

Now he knows. Bear lay there, sprawled across the ground, motionless, with occasional moans for mercy. They didn't hear him, or rather, chose not to. What should we do? Take his fur? We should let him go! No! Take him with us, make us champions! Let him rot? They were still encircling him when he let out his final cry. He probably didn't intend it to be, but that really depended on the finger on the trigger. so small, in physique, yet enough to exterminate yet another one. Again, out of fear, they let him rest after a cracking shot, exclaiming, not the end, but their dominance.

They stood there as the beast faded away. This wasn't what they intended it to be. They merely wanted revenge, but got so much more. But, who complains when they have more? Who, in sight of survival, would dare create a resistance? Not the humans. Their idea of survival is cohesion, and society. Neither did "spineless piece of shit". His idea of survival was also co-operation, and if he could speak, i assure you, he would have found their common ground. Alas.

Make us champions, they said. Make us champions.
Hold us in reverence.
That you may see us in light.
And sing my name forever.
sounds almost cultish.

you can't blame them, honey. They're humans!

heh. cheers fellas :)

Friday, August 11, 2006


silly little games we play.
out of love, out of war,
all's fair or as they say.
like you and me and Calvinball.

silly little games we play.
rules? what rules? unheard of.
less brutal than say, karate.
but surely more painful, nevertheless.

silly little games we play.
like 6 and 7, chasing frights.
hey, chill, just a game? nay,
it's all about bragging rights.

silly little games we play.
a lil potshot, bang bang bang.
perhaps a bruised eye to join the fray,
we've both been stung by serpent's fang.

silly little games we play.
make a gambit, at such cost.
hoping that it would repay.
but nope, you're just lost.

silly little games we play.
silly silly silly dilly.
dilly dilly dilly silly.
inny meeny miney... kiddy.

silly. silly. silly.

i've no time for this,
and yet it's pulled me apart.
now to piece it up together, again.
don't worry, it can't be that hard.

Oh Really?