Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the World

1. The colour of my skin is irrelevant.
2. If my ancestors have wronged you, forgive me. If your ancestors have wronged me, you're forgiven. We are, after all, a whole new generation.
3. The answer is not 42; it's the common thread of being a human that links us all.
4. Celebrate life, celebrate humanity.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For Mother Earth.

Sometimes I think that the only way that people (black and white, male and female, rich and poor) are ever going to unite is if there are little green men out in space waiting to pounce on blue earth.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

creating a legacy.

I've always believed that greatness is not measured by how much has been gained from society, or how much has been put back into it. Not even in monetary, technological or even political terms (mind the pun).

It is being 1) mentioned as a world-class act on its own: a maverick that stands out now and through the test of time. 2) a key role in revolutionizing the world and how it operates. 3) able to survive like a rolling stone.

Super Tuesday has just gone by: by far the most important date in US Elections 2008. Since then, McCain (Ah McCain, you've done it again. :P) has come out as the forerunner for the Republicans while Obama and Clinton are neck to neck. While Clinton has the slight edge with the delegate count, Obama does have a certain momentum which hopefully for him, will see him. Being a non-American, I couldn't really give half a rat's ass over who is their new president. one thing to note is that if America intends to retain its title as a world superpower, I believe that they have to rid themselves of the paranoia and rectify the foreign policy that has been tarnished over the years. It is already happening: China, India, the EU and Russia. It's not rosy and they really have to buck up. (even with this said, I do not see the Americans falling tomorrow.)

This, I believe, is where Mr Obama steps in: Not only to be USA's first black president, but be the one which he preaches to be: one of hope, changes and greatness. For now, the ball's in the black guy's court: don't mess it up buddy! ;)