Tuesday, August 30, 2005

let it be.


moments. precious moments.

we hold on to them,
our only records of the past.

sweet, bitter. anger, soothe. ups, downs. love, hate. happy, sad.

the very emotions that make us what we are. hold on to them honey.
for it's what we have to ourselves. just us.

i'll hold on to them. next year, year after, years to come. it is, after all, my precious.

Thank you everyone for the memories, the experience, the hospitality. the everything.

I love you all.

time. will tell.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

drawing the line.

u'll think that they would naturally be filled with what we call nowadays "sensitivity". being ladies, they have often criticised the lesser sex for being insensitive. but look at me. i'm living proof, that , my friends, guys can be shattered too. really easily. i know how. you know how. now would you do it? apparently so. i may be stereotyping ladies as being delicate creatures. but it's for the greater good. performing the golden rule of "do not unto others what you do not want others do to you". i thought that was so. maybe not. shot in the foot my friends. and i don't even have crutches to help me back up. cute.

maybe i'm just trying too hard. to hold it all together. like carrying a heap tablespoon of sugar, and inevitably drop a few grains. to lose something that sweet. no matter. it's still another speck in a countless amount in the world. now to find it. it's not that easy. i rather pick up the same dot of sugar than to find another one. guess that's how the world is. we don't want changes. but it comes. undoubtedly. heck. i'm a whiner.

it's like holding a wine glass. You grapple it, but if you try too hard, it shatters in your hands. You lose everything and maybe a finger or two. You hold it, but if you don't try hard enough, it slips off your hand, lands with a loud thud, shatters yet again, and this time lose a toe or two. ha. tough luck. your choice. or rather, my choice.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


i'm sorry. it doesn't solve anything i know. but i feel it too. i know how it is. facing realities is hard i know. sigh. i'm sorry.

but please don't give up. i'm still here for you.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

when the job went all wrong..

so we sat there, watching Ocean's Eleven. we just witnessed a perfect job done. planned and executed brilliantly. picture perfect. irony of it all was that, it wouldn't be such a fab job. it was rather, disastrous. yup. oh yeah. it seemed like as it went through the tube, the whole effect would be twisted. whole way through. eleven eh? freakily, there are eleven (or so) of us. gee.

ah well, no point ranting. i'm not gonna point fingers. except myself. ha. but let it be. we have one more day to redeem ourselves. the final job. ready to finish this ladies? i know i am. let's go.

ladies and gentlemen, to entertain ourselves tonight, we'll be playing russian roulette. 1 bullet, 6 shots. the lucky winner will get a bullet through the head. so let's get this started and let's see who's lucky number one (to be shot) !

it's me.

Monday, August 15, 2005

the dark horse.

He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
By His own hand He leadeth me;
His faithful follower I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me.

Through the seasons of my life. winter, spring, summer and fall. I will walk with Him

The underdog title. i don't know why. but somehow i love it. i love being the dark horse. never the favourites. weird me. :) under-rated, under-estimated and misunderstood. but i accept it. and loving it all the way. for that's how God trains me to do His will. :)

cheerios people!

Friday, August 12, 2005

i'm gonna grow.

i'm gonna grow. grow strong. grow much stronger. in spirit. Thank you Lord. I love you.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


spring is in the air! Whee~ Makes me just wanna dance.. dance.. sing. :D

spring. sense of new life. traditionally assumed to be the fresh beginning. leaving all behind, starting afresh. ah. i like. :D

hmm.. maybe it's just that God sent an angel into my life and i feel all new again. circumsized. moulted. brand new start!! and it's getting warmer and warmer~!! wee~

to all have been religiously visiting my blog and time to time again being so disappointed with a lack of posts, i'm so sorry. but auckie is just so damn boring!!! haha.. true ma.. so school is almost in full swing again. and people shuffling about now. gotta run go help joan and steph move house. cant wait to see their new place la.. sounds really swell.. hee..
