Saturday, August 06, 2005


spring is in the air! Whee~ Makes me just wanna dance.. dance.. sing. :D

spring. sense of new life. traditionally assumed to be the fresh beginning. leaving all behind, starting afresh. ah. i like. :D

hmm.. maybe it's just that God sent an angel into my life and i feel all new again. circumsized. moulted. brand new start!! and it's getting warmer and warmer~!! wee~

to all have been religiously visiting my blog and time to time again being so disappointed with a lack of posts, i'm so sorry. but auckie is just so damn boring!!! haha.. true ma.. so school is almost in full swing again. and people shuffling about now. gotta run go help joan and steph move house. cant wait to see their new place la.. sounds really swell.. hee..


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