Monday, October 17, 2005

my laptop's back up! woohoo! internet access never felt so good. withdrawal symptoms. heh. i recently read a friend's blog and well, she had some points on her post which actually got me. going. what is this thing u call "deep thinking"? first things first, i think i oughta apologise for that previous post where i said something about "making it a personal challenge... to prove that..." now, to who? what am i doing this for? why am i doing this? satisfaction. i don't get this much action in kiwiland. second, i know better than to argue with her. i don't humiliate people in public. ha. nah, jokes. seriously, she's way out of my league ;) yeah, but flattery gets you nowhere. unless u're looking for a pay rise. of which, i'm not getting one. gee.

sleep, eat, work, eat, work, eat, and eat, and eat again, then sleep. that's a day's blueprint. let's keep it that way. :) yes i would, if i only could, i surely would.

sidenote: hooked on simon and garfunkel. don't ask me why. they're brilliant. :)

judgemental. human nature? i guess. but we don't make good judges. but we still judge. hm. cute. somehow i link someone being extremely judgemental and a hardcore gossiper. man. i've gotta get myself in order. after exams... yeah right. almost like sorting out your moral values after you're wiped off this face of the earth. what i need now is someone to punch me awake so i can go to sleep. so i need a punchline.

we try too hard.

ouch. i can't think of anything. just brain-dead. haha, exhaustion from first paper already?! my gosh. think it's just rustiness. brilliant. i'll throw in something later. a punch would be good. laters.

edit: 2 minutes later... yeah that's why i couldn't think of anything. we try too hard. let it be (think it sounds nicer than "whatever". haha..)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

u know how when u think of a deep thinker, u get the idea that well, there's this dark, musky atmosphere. and philosophy is well, deep and his moral values are more or less screwed up? i've taken up a personal challenge to go against this current and prove that being philosophical doesn't have to be "dark". i am, a generally light-hearted lad. and maybe it'll do everyone some good if it gets passed around. almost like food in a picnic basket. pass it around and everyone's happy eh? hehe. oh yes, and i've decided to put my bible into that basket too. so whatever u get, is from the scriptures. yes, i believe in spiritual wisdom. not man's wisdom which is extremely unreliable and misleading. i believe in being bright. :)

on another note, my laptop broke down for at least this weekend. hopefully the dell guy will come on monday to fix it for me then i can get online again! i'm currently freeloading off my friend's internet time but oh what the heck. she's on broadband. so.. :D i sense a longer post.

u know fellas, yesterday i was looking at the calender and found that i have about 6 weeks left in auckie. which is really short if u ask me. and i remember 6 weeks before i went back to sg in july, i was so darn excited and well, literally counting the days off. don't get me wrong, not (Pink Elephant!) that i'm not (Pink Elephant!) excited to come back home, it's just that there's this bittersweet element that affects me this time. (btw, do two pink elephants make no pink elephants? haha..) in one year, lots have happened and i guess friendship just has been built and strengthened really quickly. as most of u may know, i most probably won't be in auckie next year and be in melbie. oh wella. i'm used to leaving things behind. done and undone. all i take with me are 3 things: my things, memories, and the address book (to look up u people next time... keke...) maybe i'm just not having the end in sight because of the exams. so much to fight for, so little time to sharpen my swords. oh dear.

yupsie doosies. anyway,

"The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor. " 1 Corinthians 15:41

we have our different kinds of splendor. that's why we'll meet somewhere down the road. as usual,

meet you at the crossroads!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

a good friend once asked me, more times than once. why do i have to go? 2 choices here. 1. say "why not?" and kill the conversation. 2.just answer the question. so why do i have to go? well, i replied, cuz i have to. and i decided that it didn't really help much. so here's my reply. it is merely, the nomad moves as his herd goes. to greener pastures. not necessarily for his own good. but for the good of his herd. in short, for the greater good. yeah i know, sounds like some standard answer u hear on beauty pageants (but ain't i beauty in itself? :P) i believe that sometimes people come into your life, to grace the occasion. rarely do people stay to grace your life. it'll be nice if they did though. but that is, such, the life of mine. it's been a nice 10 months people. almost 10. 9. but anyhow, it's been really an experience. learnt things that would have otherwise kept me in denial. it won't be as sad as u think it would be. trust me on this: not long from now, u would look back and go, jason-who?

we go on separate roads, sadly. hopefully i'll meet a familiar face through that journey. boy, would that be exciting. superficially, we are to different destinations. wherever God would take us. but then again, wherever God would take us, is back to the same place. so yeah. i'm not gone. i don't wanna be. just yet.

on a lighter note, everyone's going botak! latest fad i guess. but i don't think they'll be in time for the next trend when u need the hair. mwahaha.. like. braids. mmm.... i want curls. :P i guess that will be somewhat symbolic of my path ahead. curly. see you at the crossroads!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Your Birthdate: November 22

While sometimes employing unorthodox approaches, you are capable of handling large scale undertakings.
You assume great responsibility and work long and hard toward completion.
Often, especially in the early part of life, there is rigidity or stubbornness, and a tendency to repress feelings.

Idealistic, you work for the greater good with a good deal of inner strength and charisma.
An extremely capable organizer, but likely to paint with broad strokes rather than detail.
You are very aware and intuitive.
You are subject to a good deal of nervous tension.

yeah. i'm sure. haha. u know, it's AMAZINGLY accurate! yeah right.. y'know, to some extend this will be true to everyone no matter ur bithdate. it's cute ain't it? kinda.. boosts your morale. and gets your head so big that u'll think that u can rule the world. mwahaha.. yeah. someone please please please deflate my ego. i fear flying. away.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


"singapore? ahh.. tiny island. part of malaysia ain't it? next to no natural resources, and tyranny as the current political structure was it?" -your friendly neighbourhood ang mo.

ahh.. i guess he/she (not to be sexist) is somewhat correct in that. singapore, yes. a tiny island.. part of malaysia... sadly, no. which is why we're in deep shit. or are we? heh. actually i won't comment on that. i'll probably get shot for that. next to no natural resources. yup. damn right on that. tyranny. ah. so this is what i meant to talk about. no people, no.. please don't get off your chair and leave. please don't change the url to "" (which, fyi, is a really great website and loving it.) today, i'm not talking about politics so u can go back to your seat now, thank you. don't worry, i understand that sudden urge to go take a leak when someone mentions politics. heh.

well then, i guess it's fair to say that well, as far as i don't like what is going on in Singapore with what i like to call "generalisation". I'm sure there's a term for this but. yeah. This is where singapore dudes are known to be your stereotypical geek with a bilingual ability but no ability whatsoever to express him/herself. No offense there (Pink Elephant! :P), but I see it true in most parts of Singapore's population. pretty sad. but hey, Singapore is prosperous and it is blooming, and i think it really truly represents what it means to be a people's nation. so Singapore is, well, and should be, very proud of its Tyrants. Roar. In your face, ang mo!

ah screw that. why did i even start? it's 3am in the morning and. my goodness. jason, you're not even thinking rationally! but well, the moral of the story which i meant to convey to all Singaporeans back home, please please do not take anything for granted. rather, everything. sure, things may be a little rigid back home. things may be a lil tight back there, but hang in there. You DO after all, have a shelter over your head, food on the table, and a nice physical body to work (and pay your dues. heh.) so yeah, be proud, but not arrogant. i've seen it far too often. and it pains me to be even associated with singapore, even though i'm technically no longer a resident of singapore.

ah, just a lil thought of mine. feel much better now. oh yeah, nz is now 5 hours ahead of sg time. so yeah. just a lil side note. anyway, i've decided on my stand. singapore will always be my homeland. even though my passport says otherwise. the passport, is none other, than just another piece of paper. screw that. i'm with singapore. :)

take it, or leave it.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

that's hot.

philosophy: the love and pursuit of wisdom. according to many sources which i am too selfish to share with everyone. ha.

love and pursuit of wisdom. sounds a lot like chasing wisdom. which is to me, sounds rather lustful. wisdom is, as i know it, God-given. He can take away as He hath given. it's only for the appropriate situation. so there u go, i' m not your magic genie.. for that matter, anyone's. but yeah, i can be approached, but remember, whatever i tell you, is merely the voice of man. there is a higher power. much much higher power. since this is merely man's wisdom, u could a) obey what i just say cuz i'm so highly revered. or b) ignore this message since i'm the foolish one. ah, either way u're listening to me. smart eh? heh. that was dumb.

i've got a week of my hols (or so-called) left to brush up on my material for the exams. so how? study lor. but u think so easy isit? ya i think so too. just WHACK la. hahaha.. for that matter, i know everyone back in sg are facing their eoys and promos and Os/As . so all the best for your respective exams people!! study hard and take care! God bless you all!