Monday, October 17, 2005

my laptop's back up! woohoo! internet access never felt so good. withdrawal symptoms. heh. i recently read a friend's blog and well, she had some points on her post which actually got me. going. what is this thing u call "deep thinking"? first things first, i think i oughta apologise for that previous post where i said something about "making it a personal challenge... to prove that..." now, to who? what am i doing this for? why am i doing this? satisfaction. i don't get this much action in kiwiland. second, i know better than to argue with her. i don't humiliate people in public. ha. nah, jokes. seriously, she's way out of my league ;) yeah, but flattery gets you nowhere. unless u're looking for a pay rise. of which, i'm not getting one. gee.

sleep, eat, work, eat, work, eat, and eat, and eat again, then sleep. that's a day's blueprint. let's keep it that way. :) yes i would, if i only could, i surely would.

sidenote: hooked on simon and garfunkel. don't ask me why. they're brilliant. :)

judgemental. human nature? i guess. but we don't make good judges. but we still judge. hm. cute. somehow i link someone being extremely judgemental and a hardcore gossiper. man. i've gotta get myself in order. after exams... yeah right. almost like sorting out your moral values after you're wiped off this face of the earth. what i need now is someone to punch me awake so i can go to sleep. so i need a punchline.

we try too hard.

ouch. i can't think of anything. just brain-dead. haha, exhaustion from first paper already?! my gosh. think it's just rustiness. brilliant. i'll throw in something later. a punch would be good. laters.

edit: 2 minutes later... yeah that's why i couldn't think of anything. we try too hard. let it be (think it sounds nicer than "whatever". haha..)

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