Tuesday, May 30, 2006


mere obstacles for the mere mortal. however, fret not, i'm more than just mortal! mwahaha! i wish. exams. argh. honestly, i think even superman would be having problems with chemistry. all he knows is kryptonite makes him strong. and probably that blur till he wears his undies outside cuz he can't remember if he wore them already. or for all you know, it's just a red groin protector that doubles up as a utility undies. like batman's belt. or he's just plain silly... anyway! or maybe he's superman by day and flasher by night! woo hoo! ugh.


i guess we all have so many other things to be grateful for. like, i'm still breathing, and alive (barely), munching on pods as i type, and going to LIVE to watch da vinci code later! yay! and i'm not being threatened by man-eating dogs to rush through my exam. (haha. imagine trying to finish up your papers in time and if they catch you still with a pen in hand, they'll let those dogs off their leash and you alive in front of your peers. mwahaha. man, i'm awfully cynical today.) or nobody walking around like peons and uttering "work work!" or "job done!". or even better, shouting out loud like you're saluting somebody," yessir!", "roger that!" "affirmative!" it's seriously irritating. get's you in the mood to work and get your job done though. but really.

things to be grateful for. i could go on and on. but i should really get onto work and start whining again.

and no, no prizes for you if you spot the irony there. ;)

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