Tuesday, October 03, 2006


controversy? or are those cries of one holding out of a hero?

Don't we all hold out for a saviour?
Last line of defence cracks; and desperation sets in
Where's our hero? superman? spidey? whoever!
Do you not hear us? Set us free, we say! Set us free.

City Square, twelve-oh-three, we stand fallen.
Silence crept in like an angel amongst men.
Our once impregnable fort: oppressors delight,
Nothing less than a miracle. O God, just this once.

Oh God, just this once.
We believe, O Lord. We believe.
Or is this too late? Gone?
Are we to perish like our idols?

Oh Lord, just this once.
I swear I'll be a good kid.
I swear to listen to my folks.
Just this once, save us all.

Cries of such echoed through the City walls.
Desperate shots at redemption, but were they heard?
If so, where was He? Time was of essence.
With slit throats, there He was.

There He was. All along.
Cradling us, His tears on our wounds.
"I'm sorry, it's time to go." we heard.
And hidden we went into the shadiest of darkness.

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