Saturday, December 02, 2006

i think emo kids should just go home, hide under a blanket and sulk silently to themselves, muttering the occasional swear word. And while they're at it, reassure themselves that life does suck by looking dead straight into the mirror, realising that they do not look good in pink and black and thus life sucks. Weak reasoning, but hey, whatever pulls you through eh.

i think PDA-ers should also go home. If not, get a room. Or if that strapped for cash, just get the condoms and go to some dark alley; it'll seriously save you lots of cash. Honest. Chances are that lust is running this game. So i say get it over with, go shag a horse or something and save the girl: be the gentleman and let her go, unless getting slapped is your kind of thing. Which wouldn't be too hard to understand if it IS your kind of thing. howzat?

i think all the aunties and uncles require more respect. Problem is that they're not demanding it as they should. It's ironic that the new, soft, spare-the-rod-save-the-kid's-smooth-butt generation has gone all hard and cold towards their tamers. i want the iron fist back. teach them a thing or two about grounding. actually, two. 1) grounding = teaching your kids properly. remember to do so when you're parents of your own. remember to start early. don't start so late like me, when you're eighteen and running amok. 2) grounding = grounded. social life = 0. simple as that.

it's funny how we complain so much. but with this train of thought, i figure that it's difficult to think otherwise. doesn't flow you say? well don't worry honey. accuracy was always secondary. humour first. =)

so there, no offense. but we've really gotta grow. grow grow grow. and spurt out quick like we're on dumex 3+

Oh look! Orchard road's empty. Now i can go shopping!

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