Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why hobos have got it right.

You'd think it'll all get better in your working life... then you remember: tax. ah, that's right, I'm a taxpayer now. You see those clean roads and nice parks? I'm paying for that (See people, don't spit. There's where your tax goes to). You see that cop slacking off over there? I'm paying him. And those nicely dim street lights? I'm paying for that too!

So basically, we're working on a salary, which net tax, goes into our daily expenses, the mortgage, the wife and two hellish kids (and their education (gosh, they'd better be appreciative)), and the retirement fund: which you'll only get to enjoy if you're lucky enough (statistics shows yes you will, but a higher power may not agree). And what we have left is 10 dollars in your pocket, which goes into the horse racing and you pray so darn hard that the jockey whips his horse harder and harder so that you'd get your fair share and sit your fat ass on that pile. But as we all know, never really happens and so we're stuck back on the salary and paying bills.

Now if you were a hobo in Albert Park - nothing. Honestly, no cost-benefit test here, just nothing. Call this an anti-establishment post, but really, what if? Call this naive, but didn't everything start with idealism?

What do you think? Give me a post.

Next Post: The Market for Social Services

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Comics do educate

Got this bit from Calvin & Hobbes

"Why isn't my life
like a situation comedy? Why don't I have a bunch of friends with nothing
better to do but drop by and instigate wacky adventures? Why aren't my
conversations peppered with spontaneous witticisms? Why don't my friends
demonstrate heartfelt concern for my well being when I have problems? ...I
gotta get my life some writers."

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

They may be from hell but...

For some obscure reason, I miss my kids. They're so much more entertaining than... this.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Infinite huh...

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
and I’m not sure about the former.”
- Albert Einstein

Based on this, surely it'll be awesome if we could somehow harness the infinite potential of human stupidity and convert it into energy and run the whole world! Soon enough oil and gas would be things of a past and cars, households and fish tank pumps alike will be powered by stupidity!

You may say that I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us
and... heck, we're already being run by stupidity. keep dreaming people!

Monday, October 15, 2007

i figured:

that if you're full of something, it will just spill over. so really, it's not my fault- blame my body that can't take my ego. damn i need to get bigger :P

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

This is a post for: people who hold it in

I figured that the most satisfying time in your life is not when you passed a test, got a raise/promotion, raised a fine kid, or even when you're having an huge orgasm. The most satisfying time in your life is when you have to take a piss so badly and you do.

Friday, September 21, 2007

This is a post for: ass-cracks

This is a post for all who have jeans so low that it shows their ass-cracks. I figured that if you're gonna show it, it's because you're using it. like having a pencil stuck between the crack... that'll hold it nicely: and useful too! in fact, you can put almost anything there. if it's fat enough you can put a cow. imagine. actually, no, don't... it's disgusting.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What I would love to see on a birthday card...

Congratulations! You're 21! No point stopping now huh..

Hooray! You're... what?! double digits? that was a quick decade of annoyance..

Good grief! 18! you're legal, let's have sex. Better yet, get me some beer.

Yay! You're Sixteen and gone all Goth! Well, looks like I finally won't be needing to invite those Happy Tree Friends of yours..

Yay! You're Sixteen and gone all Goth! Here's a penknife. Method of use: Start from the wrist and work your way up. If you're lucky you'll hit your heart at 25!

Well done! 30, re-married twice, 4 kids, unemployed... and a lovely mid-life crisis. Way to go buddy!

Woohoo! 40th! Statistically speaking, you're halfway towards your quota. cool huh. halfway.

Woohoo! 40th! Seeing that it's all downhill from here, it should be sweet. so take it easy grandpa.

Oh look! A 29th Birthday Card! You don't find one very often do ya? But here you go!
Moral: You only have mid-life crisis once and no one celebrates it. But really, you should, so let it go, you workaholic!

Oh look! A 29th Birthday Card! Not very common: produced just because it's prime. Hope you're there too.. or you're prime meat!

ah, love.

Another reason why you should swear back.

The last time i heard SOS in morse code, i thought he was swearing at me. I ignored him, and it turned out to be fatal. If only I swore back...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

just a thought...

if the only thing we could do with life is to lose it, and we are meant to live it to the fullest, then would it mean that we have done so only when we lose it? hmm.. ;)

Friday, August 10, 2007


Ok kids, let me teach you something about prejudice. Prejudice stems from misconceived perceptions. Watch:

I'm from Singapore, I'm asian, I'm an ACS boy, I had 3 girlfriends, I love techno and detest classical music. I grew up in a upper-middle class home, have two siblings + parents who love me very much, living the very sheltered life here in Auckland, New Zealand. Things that I think myself to be: non-conformist, snobbish, arrogant, stubborn, somewhat stuffy, one-man gang, and thinks he owns the world and thus the world owes him something... and i'm almost funny.

Some of you have never met me, some of you never will. But if you ever see this guy for the first time,
and you wanna slap him already, that's prejudice.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Imagine that you saw someone walk straight into a glass panel. SMACK!

Don't tell me you wouldn't walk away with that stupid smug grin on your pathetic little face. Heck, I just hope it made your day. Sure made mine! ;)

Friday, June 15, 2007

I reckon Narcissistic guys are in.

"I've got this really sweet guy that I think you might like."

"Oh, I'm diabetic."

Monday, June 11, 2007


Whoever said "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" surely wasn't Chinese.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Attention bandwidth thieves:

Beware! I will steal yours back.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

logically incapable

"In the absence of moral absolutes, pragmatism reigns."

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ethic of Reciprocity

I scratch your back, you scratch my back.

I massage your back, you massage my back.

I stab you in the back, you... well, you're dead.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

you blooming ego #62!

I used to think that Jessica Alba was the best thing to walk this earth. Then I met me.

A Lawyer's Attempt at Humour

"i think i know why the merlion is located at the waterfront together with the bars and all..."

"What, to look cool?"

"That, and also to save water- recycle those drunkies' puke and pump it through Mr Pukelion."

Saturday, May 05, 2007

the fault is my own.

Everyday i wake up, i think to myself," what in the world am I doing here?"

and I realise that maybe, just maybe, I chose to.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

unanimous assent.

...face it, we're all seeking an audience. rarely do we want a debate.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

wise words - indie style

You know what the problem is with indie stuff? We never go mainstream.

Update: I just realised that this is my 100th post! woo! never thought i'll live till this day. ie never thought that i had this much commitment in something, or anything. i think that's the beauty of a blog. You can neglect it for however long you want and it won't die. sweet eh... always wondered why i got a girlfriend. hmm.. oh yeah, the perks. :P

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

denial problem.. almost like a dental problem.

"Jason, imagine that you have a huge denial problem..."

"Hmm... No? I mean, why the hell would I do that?!"

Friday, April 06, 2007

shame, and lack of... the most useless concept, ever.

shame is for the shameful to keep. the shameless, lacks shame to lose.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

sugar, spice and everything nice...

i bet they turned out to be short and tiny girls because they threw a ps3 in and poof: three short-circuited little girls. amazing what technology does huh. ;)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

he must be really angry.

one day, the wind had enough and kicked up a storm.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

like like like not exactly.

like oh my god. today i was like, not exactly, but like on a plane, filled with euphoria and then like the whole damn thing crash down onto earth. like, but not really..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

buying time - unbottled.

yesterday, i spent my day pleading with God for another day. By the end of the day, I got it. And that's how i spent my day - buying a day at a time.

Friday, February 16, 2007

positive negation

you know how sometimes we can have a perfectly structured argument, and all it takes is a single "fuck" to keep us shut? like that.

i need to hang out with more cultured people. and by that, i don't mean bacteria-infested scum.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The one most important (and only) word.

"eh, jace."

"sup boy?"

"fuck u man."

"uh, wtf?"

"ya. fuck u."

"why? no one else to pick on is it? go pick on your slutty girlfriend la."

"fuck her."

"yeah, i know i would."

Sunday, February 04, 2007

nothing but good, clean, family-friendly fun! ... yeah right.

waiting for a vision; one so strong that seems too simple and logical, amazed that no one has actually done it yet. encapsulate the vision and manifest it. create something real and feasible out of a dream, an idea. the concentration of which, when released, reveals a great glow that all may stand in awe reveling in the sweet glory. and i, in sweeter glory.

i need inspiration. anybody with ideas and want to collaborate and create something even greater than that, please email me or just leave a note on the tag board. i'm hungry: starving really.

i want a bite of that big apple.

Friday, February 02, 2007

you blooming ego! Issue #28

i've always wondered how much it would cost to buy heaven. then i found me. it was perfect. ;)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

twenty years.

i thought i'd finally update. put some real stuff on this page rather than my fictional musings. so.

Happy New Year to everybody! (Good start eh?)

i finally figured out what one's most important attribute throughout his/her life is. while he's a child, it's his smile. or rather, his enthusiasm. later on, it's his creativity and gung-ho-ness. and finally his wisdom. enthusiasm, creativity and wisdom. in that order. in other words, run while you're still young. but because we are unable to differentiate between the different stages of our lives, we tend to go through minor dips. also known as transitional periods.

these minor dips, if not managed properly (which is normally attributed to the fact that we do not know when and how to switch our primary strength) can lead to bouts of depression that will send us whirling.. elsewhere. and according to most, prolonged depression does more than depletes ones self-esteem. it creates an illusion, so strong, that one would feel that he needs to "one big right" to justify all his wrongs. but what wrongs were there? exactly, not much. but you see, it's an illusion. mind tricks.

so, back to the point. we need to know when we hit the transition. and activate that in-built (yes, i believe it's pure instinct. written deep in our genes.) ability to fit the changes. we are, after all, adaptable beings. now don't get me wrong. yes, we do go through changes everyday. every single day. but isn't it always the biggest things that gets our notice? the first pimple on your face. the first paycheck. the first smoke. the first failure. i think anyone who recalls (assuming the reasonable person), would be able to remember with somewhat fond memories of the above. you see, they remember. and now that they have gone through it, they can laugh and smile at even a near-death situation that they had faced. but do you remember the first time you dropped some hair?

it's all too simple really: every twenty years. re-invention is the key. the static, ironically, don't stay.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now

Fatboy slim.. don't you just love him? great concept to go with the song. love it.