Friday, May 19, 2006

predetermined rate?

ever wondered how people figured that your time was worth 20 bucks an hour or 30 bucks an hour? supposing we have 2 people of life spans of say, 50 years and 100 years, then wouldn't the first fella have a rate double of that of the second? heh. go figure :D


Angelique said...

i think it depends on the quality of life and the experiences.
eg. i'd peg a higher value to living 50 years in s'pore than to living 100 years in war-torn iraq.

jace said...

hard to say. living in iraq could possibly give you a higher "happiness" value. :D or social value. or even a political one for that matter. so the higher your value, the higher your value per unit time right? haha. fuzzy logic.