Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Slit Eyes

Slit Eyes lay slumped on the yellowish-brown sofa which reeked a deep rusty scent, with a half-chewed cigarette resting succinctly between his cold lips. Exhaling the occasional puff and eyes gazing into a re-run of Pulp Fiction, he zoned out every now and then. Slit Eyes knew that his time had come: retirement was never this easy. That was him. As for the cash, sending his daughter through college wasn't an issue. Ensuring his legacy was.

"I love you, Pumpkin."
"I love you, Honey Bunny."
"All right, everybody be cool, this is a robbery!"
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"

The final blow came in and all was left was a shaken Yolanda and Ezekiel 25:17. Ringo was dead.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy Feet!

Happy Feet was genius. Pure genius.

Captain Planet, Moulin Rouge, and a HUGE load of religious debate rolled into a film of jumpy furballs. Cute! Good stuff. Only thing is that I felt it was a little underhanded to have marketed this as a kid-friendly show. Misleading, totally misleading. Only the captain planet part seemed relevant, but religion and the Catholic Church and the Protestants and Religious fanaticism?


thought-provoking watch behind that tap-dancing facade. - 5 stars.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

i think emo kids should just go home, hide under a blanket and sulk silently to themselves, muttering the occasional swear word. And while they're at it, reassure themselves that life does suck by looking dead straight into the mirror, realising that they do not look good in pink and black and thus life sucks. Weak reasoning, but hey, whatever pulls you through eh.

i think PDA-ers should also go home. If not, get a room. Or if that strapped for cash, just get the condoms and go to some dark alley; it'll seriously save you lots of cash. Honest. Chances are that lust is running this game. So i say get it over with, go shag a horse or something and save the girl: be the gentleman and let her go, unless getting slapped is your kind of thing. Which wouldn't be too hard to understand if it IS your kind of thing. howzat?

i think all the aunties and uncles require more respect. Problem is that they're not demanding it as they should. It's ironic that the new, soft, spare-the-rod-save-the-kid's-smooth-butt generation has gone all hard and cold towards their tamers. i want the iron fist back. teach them a thing or two about grounding. actually, two. 1) grounding = teaching your kids properly. remember to do so when you're parents of your own. remember to start early. don't start so late like me, when you're eighteen and running amok. 2) grounding = grounded. social life = 0. simple as that.

it's funny how we complain so much. but with this train of thought, i figure that it's difficult to think otherwise. doesn't flow you say? well don't worry honey. accuracy was always secondary. humour first. =)

so there, no offense. but we've really gotta grow. grow grow grow. and spurt out quick like we're on dumex 3+

Oh look! Orchard road's empty. Now i can go shopping!

Monday, November 20, 2006

chasing dreams:

3 months, 1 man, plenty of dreams.
1 man, plenty of dreams, he has to re-invent himself.
plenty of dreams, he has to re-invent himself: re-built for survival.

the renaissance.

The Jace v2! ;)

Friday, November 03, 2006

then there was this: one time, i caught a fish, alive.
then there was this: one time, i caught a dead fish, alive.
then there was this: one time, i caught a live fish, dead.
then there was this: one time, i caught a fish, dead.

moral of the story: don't play with your food, kids.

Monday, October 23, 2006

what would it mean, if i gave you my hand?
would you take me like a queen:
every other minute, kissing my feet?
or just ride me like a fool?

what good would it do, taking my hand?
being my love, i pray, eternally:
always having you as a shoulder?
or just to boost your social status?

telling your mates what a chick i am,
while i'm there that is.
and then saying how much of a slut i was,
sex, drugs, smokes... and sex.

queen-slut, princess-whore.
royalty bullshit galore!
so what would it mean?
so is it: all about the cream?

bring me up, and cheapen me.
and they say it was meant to be.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

call it self praise, but i really love this little passage i wrote. (it's the pink text over the coffee mug if you can see it.)

sweet october embrace:

Her kiss left an aftertaste you can't shake off. Bitter poison that was sweet; poison that flirted with your tastebuds, causing you to have it all at once, igniting the erotic side that you've suppressed for too long now. It's put you on a high, lusting for more of that taste... Poison. You could blame her, or you could fault the poison. But it doesn't matter: since the two are one. COFFEE.

So sweet that october embrace, smitten in the midst of spring. Lips locked over caffeine. They taste the same and you're left intoxicated. You sit there ditched, and realise that winter is not far off, and yet the taste still lingered. And soon enough, the bitterness would turn it numb, and i guess it wouldn't really matter anymore.

so i leave you with a quote: courtesy of Family Guy ;)

Peter: A guy at work bought a car out of the paper. Ten years later, Bam! Herpes.

More like "Bam! Irrelevance!"

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


controversy? or are those cries of one holding out of a hero?

Don't we all hold out for a saviour?
Last line of defence cracks; and desperation sets in
Where's our hero? superman? spidey? whoever!
Do you not hear us? Set us free, we say! Set us free.

City Square, twelve-oh-three, we stand fallen.
Silence crept in like an angel amongst men.
Our once impregnable fort: oppressors delight,
Nothing less than a miracle. O God, just this once.

Oh God, just this once.
We believe, O Lord. We believe.
Or is this too late? Gone?
Are we to perish like our idols?

Oh Lord, just this once.
I swear I'll be a good kid.
I swear to listen to my folks.
Just this once, save us all.

Cries of such echoed through the City walls.
Desperate shots at redemption, but were they heard?
If so, where was He? Time was of essence.
With slit throats, there He was.

There He was. All along.
Cradling us, His tears on our wounds.
"I'm sorry, it's time to go." we heard.
And hidden we went into the shadiest of darkness.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

convince me.

convince me
to do as i should.
convict me
of all my sins.

convince me, convince me.
that it's all worth the cause.

don't ask me what that's about. btw, it's coming out of my latest song. so, :) be nice.

on a lighter note....


cheerios fellas!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006

this is how you remind me.

i'm sure we all know about living the moment.

rhythmic manipulation under techno beats, early morning late august. it's september: i hope crazy dog dies down. can it be? that coincidence would have it: morning glory in september.

morning glory.

friends, it's spring. time to bloom. =)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

to argue.. properly = Fellowship

Today's Argument Format:

A: Presents Conclusion
B: Counter-Conclusion
A: Conclusion
B: C-Conclusion
A & B: Deadlock

A: Yes!
B: No!
A: Yes!
B: No!
A & B: Yes... and No?

We notice that this method produces a lack of efficiency and eventually is unproductive. To achieve greater social cohesion, this is something that one may consider to use before saying anything, then regretting you ever said it. And maybe slap oneself while one's at it.

Proposed Argument Format:
A: Conclusion
B: Counter-Conclusion
A: Premise A
B: Premise B
A: Premise A'
B: Premise B'
A: Premise A"
B: Premise B"
A: Conclusion
B: Counter-Conclusion
A & B: Compromised/Mutual Conclusion

NB Premise A and B, A' and B', A" and B" have to complement each other. ie, arguing over a common ground.

This brings me to a point that has always crossed my mind. The very basis, I feel, of a successful argument (by successful, I don't mean that there necessarily has to be a 'winner', for if you look at it, there is no winner, only a bragger.) is a common subject to argue upon. For example, there is no way an argument over toilet paper is going to be based on pattern for one, and hamsters for the other. If you do not feel that you are able to bring your point across from one aspect, you either a) attack from another flank, or b) back off.

I think the point of an argument is really to have a compromise, more than an induction of faith. Therefore, one should only do so while trying to get an agreement out of it. I know that this is pretty much like having a shirt that fits all, or at least try to. So how are we to accommodate the headstrong and tractable? dense and.. not so dense? Here's a proposal: We don't do anything! As they are, they make the world as eclectic as it is. Without them, we would just be drones. Without them, there would be no leader-follower relationships, just comrade-comrade relationships. There would be no politics, no religion, no competition, not a scent of bloodshed for that matter. Basically, a FELLOWSHIP. But as we all know, this is not really possible on a larger political scale (see Eastern Bloc, USSR and CCP. Notice also that their structure was much like the fellowship style, with a single leader(s)). We need the balance. Therefore, we leave them as they are. They go on to be leaders. To be people of vision, and character, or lack of. So go on, create a ruckus and maybe don't embarass yourself too much!

But for the regular unambitious blokes (ie peasants), the aforementioned format may just suit you just nicely. :P

I'm not a professional argument... guy, but I am kinda well-built in the common sense area if I do say so myself and it really puzzles a person as worthless as myself as to how it isn't obvious enough. heh.

if you didn't get what i just said above, just remember, "happy happy joy joy" isn't getting us very far unless we do something about it. :)


Thursday, August 17, 2006

They're Humans!

DISCLAIMER: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.. i think.

He lay in the silence, entrenched in circles of gossip. Like a shot bear, tranquilised and crippled, as hunters cautiously gather their game. There's obviously nothing he could do about it. Lying there was probably his best move. This was not like chess: "My turn, your turn.". Not a game, governed by rules and respect. After all, resistance, as they say, is futile. revenge isn't. The Human stood there, an arm in a cast, injured by my very jaws, being an epitome of their class. Hurt.

Ten of them in all, turning up with sawed shotguns firmly in their grips. They were stricken with fear, yet enough courage to put a couple into his thick hide. They were people, enraged and bent on revenge, returning with the anger of a beaten down beast. Before he even went savage, the trigger had been pulled, sending an acute pain in his exposed abdomen. Bear, as he is affectionately known to his victims, fell to his knees, with another two bangs right into his already weakened spine. The People saw, as "spineless piece of shit" (his other more affectionate name), went down, finally. They witnessed the tall and mighty being, hitting face first onto the cold, hard ground. Almost frame by frame too. You can't blame them, honey. It's almost too typical of their race. Analytical, and petty. Counting in cents rather than dollars. Also, pitiful as individuals. Bear would have been right to think that they were easy targets. like hey, they're humans. what's the most they could do?

Now he knows. Bear lay there, sprawled across the ground, motionless, with occasional moans for mercy. They didn't hear him, or rather, chose not to. What should we do? Take his fur? We should let him go! No! Take him with us, make us champions! Let him rot? They were still encircling him when he let out his final cry. He probably didn't intend it to be, but that really depended on the finger on the trigger. so small, in physique, yet enough to exterminate yet another one. Again, out of fear, they let him rest after a cracking shot, exclaiming, not the end, but their dominance.

They stood there as the beast faded away. This wasn't what they intended it to be. They merely wanted revenge, but got so much more. But, who complains when they have more? Who, in sight of survival, would dare create a resistance? Not the humans. Their idea of survival is cohesion, and society. Neither did "spineless piece of shit". His idea of survival was also co-operation, and if he could speak, i assure you, he would have found their common ground. Alas.

Make us champions, they said. Make us champions.
Hold us in reverence.
That you may see us in light.
And sing my name forever.
sounds almost cultish.

you can't blame them, honey. They're humans!

heh. cheers fellas :)

Friday, August 11, 2006


silly little games we play.
out of love, out of war,
all's fair or as they say.
like you and me and Calvinball.

silly little games we play.
rules? what rules? unheard of.
less brutal than say, karate.
but surely more painful, nevertheless.

silly little games we play.
like 6 and 7, chasing frights.
hey, chill, just a game? nay,
it's all about bragging rights.

silly little games we play.
a lil potshot, bang bang bang.
perhaps a bruised eye to join the fray,
we've both been stung by serpent's fang.

silly little games we play.
make a gambit, at such cost.
hoping that it would repay.
but nope, you're just lost.

silly little games we play.
silly silly silly dilly.
dilly dilly dilly silly.
inny meeny miney... kiddy.

silly. silly. silly.

i've no time for this,
and yet it's pulled me apart.
now to piece it up together, again.
don't worry, it can't be that hard.

Oh Really?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

home run.

Home - Michael Buble

Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home

Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know

And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
“I’m fine baby, how are you?”
Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I’ve got to go home

Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
That this is not your dream
But you always believed in me

Another winter day has come
And gone away
In even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I’m surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
Oh, let me go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

Let me go home
I’ve had my run
Baby, I’m done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It will all be all right
I’ll be home tonight
I’m coming back home

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

my perfect lover.

so i got: tagged by choon wei. lemmesseee....

- The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
- Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
- Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
- If you are tagged the second time. There is NO need to do this again.
- Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.


Preferred gender: female, thank you. and that excludes those that just came out of thailand after a, uh, rather obvious physical makeover. no offense to you hippies ya... wait.. hippies and trannies are synonyms right? uh oh. :D

1)must have received an inheritance of at least $20 million from a, i don't know, long lost grandfather. any lesser, not worth hiring the hitman to remove her from the picture.

2)must be potent enough to get me two soccer teams. then i'll somehow coach them till godlike status, and tell Shankly that this city has two great teams – Chan United and Chan United reserves

3)must agree on working off the Chan United reserves as slaves. and if they die of malnutrition, be able to replace them or face the sack.

4)must not do drugs. drugs are not cool kids. do not do drugs! (this message was brought to you by Chan's beer: don't do drugs. do alcohol!)

5)must, for some reason, wear a belt. just in case i get naughty or something. ha.

6)must be really good in bed. gotta have a repertoire to meet my, uh, rather demanding expectations.

7)must have experience in this role. you know, the more the better.

8)must be pro-active:

9)must look like this:

If you think you've got what it takes to be my perfect lover, do not hesitate to send in your CV! call Jason for contact details.

Due to the high number of applications, please do not freak out and go shoot yourself, or worse, bite my dog's head off if you're not selected. please do understand that there are tons of desperate guys/girls out there looking for partners too! so don't give up hope, there's always someone out there wanting to take advantage of you!

Here's my tip though, to you despo preppos out there. you can try to emulate what i have just done and list my requirements for a slut, uh, lover. just let me know then i can go apply for a copyright license and when i actually get it (for whatever reasons), you can go ahead with your plans. then i'll come along to sue your butt and chances are i win the case. then if everything goes as planned, i'll take the cash and run off to malibu or something.. and live happily ever after with that.. wife of mine. ugh. oops, was i thinking out loud again? hmm.

there ya go! that was fun!

oh yeah, tag 8 more people eh? hmm. i'd love to see amy, angie, charles, gladys, jamie, janice, joan and rayvin give it a go! whee~

i obviously can't count and put in 9 points instead of 8. so sue me for prefering perfect squares to perfect cubes...

now to my post for today:

i'm broke. not like that's a bad thing. it just means that i've gotta go rob that blind fella busking along Queen St. and really hope that he IS blind. like candy from a baby~


Friday, June 30, 2006

the streets are alive!

i love it how buskers line the streets.

as if they were divinely placed there. start playing that song to fit your mood as you walk by. playing your theme song as if you were on a soap. they play your song. all too peaceful. something to soothe the soul, enrage the beast, and electrify the mood. pleasantries.


having the time of my life here in Melbourne, Australia. this is a city alright. a city. bright lights that never seem to go off, multitudes of your aussie blokes serenading the streets. and i stand there all alone in the middle of this great metropolis, shopping bags in both hands with the camera strung over the neck. left, right, centre, just people rushing by, with an agenda almost too full to fulfill. i stood there, happy, yet.


only one letter separates them (lovely and lonely.) but that's all it takes to make a hell lot of a difference. my "n" could be a "v" if you were here. and you're just one person. lovely.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


marriage isn't about survival anymore.

it's been far from perverted.

very perverted.

it's about time we did something about this. how is this for starters:
start dating only when you have this one thing on your mind, marriage.

far-fetched? i think not. that's how we fall. we don't see the end of the cliff.

for survival, out of love.
out of love, for survival.


i still love you.


ah, youth is wasted on the young. agreed? agreed.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

i reckon.

when you smell the coffee, the sweet smell of it, it's time to

1)get up
2)pack your bags
3)and go.

packing used to be fun. maybe it was because i had lots to throw the last time. there are things i want to take with me this time around, as i seek refuge in the sanctuary.

now finding the sanctuary is another problem altogether. war is never fun. it's something we're living in, so yeah, living with it. problem is when you're stuck deep in enemy territory and you just want to retreat. to go home. easy you say? well, not so for a pawn. a pawn goes forward only. there's no retreat and regroup. you just move. hm. stuck in enemy territory? no choice then. get my sword and shield, pack up, and move on. theoretically possible, but first, i need to grow.

my problem: i wake up one morning to find that the enemy surrounds my tent. i look through my backpack, rummaging through to find the superman suit, thinking i could burst out like.. well.. superman, and eye power them till they're fried. ha. (can you imagine if we were battling in kentucky? that'll make it kfc. kentucky fried company. heh.) so i look through, and find a rusty sword and some cacat-ed shield. go figure. the fella out there is clearly superior. i'm... dead?

now, luckily for me, someone made coffee that same early morning, an hour before the enemy moves in. i sniff it, knowing that i have to move. take what i can, and leave.

currently: i've packed up, and running back. it's funny. i'm a pawn and i'm running back. then again, no, i'm not running home. i'm finding refuge. solace. a hiding place. i look back as i sprint my butt off, and i realise that i've been flirting with the enemy for far too long. far too long. i'm running.

thank you to that person who made that cuppa for me. though i never drank off it, it did more than that for me. and now i'm running. thank you.


that's what i'm doing. i'm leaving. tata!

plan 1, plan 2, plan 3... plan 51262340792, plan 51262340793. i'm one of them.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Bob Carlisle - Butterfly Kisses Lyrics

There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's
daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes and
I thank god for all the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all
For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
sticking little white flowers all up in her
hair; "Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."
In all that I've done wrong I know I must
have done something right to deserve a hug
every morning and butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.

But I remember
Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer; sticking
little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy, But if you
don't mind I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time."
With all that I've done wrong I must have done
something right to deserve her love every morning
and butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking and I said "I'm not
sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."
She leaned over...gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there,
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk my down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry!"

Oh, with all that I've done wrong I must have
done something right.
To deserve your love every morning and butterfly
kisses-I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.

I know I gotta let her go, but I'll always remember
every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


play off the board. grab that advantage and salvage the situation. get a draw and go home. everyone's happy. :)

- draw-master.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

a cuppa coffee a day...

makes jason a happy boy.

three coffees a day makes jason a very happy boy.

five coffees a day makes jason a stoned boy.

oh dear.

Monday, June 05, 2006

it's clean!

count your blessings, one by one.

today, i went to do my laundry. so i loaded the washing machine, put in my washing powder as i hummed away as usual. when i put in my first dollar, ol' faithful decided to choke on it. so the dollar coin was stuck in the slot and it seemed physically impossible to put it through. the coin was right at the mouth of the slot and it seemed like the slot was a tad too narrow for my lil coin!

but hey, i'm a healthy young bloke, and that should do the trick right? wrong! i used my utmost strength to try smacking it in. punched it, kicked it, licked it, done it all. or did i?

desperately, i smashed the "use only in case of emergency" glass. i guess it was something that i should have used from the start, but for my pride.

i prayed. oh Lord, please give me the strength and wisdom to make the coin go in so that my clothes can get cleaned, then i'll be able to wear them, so i'll smell good (hopefully) and then go out there and glorify Your name, i prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ. so, i prayed.

as with all miracles that my Lord has done, this was no exception! i didn't feel any supernormal strength running through me. i didn't feel any brainier to figure that it was somehow possible to fit it in. theoretically at least. i didn't have numbers and formulae running through my little mind, formulating the amount of force i needed to apply at x angle to get the dollar in.

but what i did have was faith that with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

i gave it my strongest nudge and the fella dropped right through like it was his life purpose to do so! Hallelujah! my clothes are being done as i speak. oh, and i put in my other 2 dollar coins and no problemo! so i figured that maybe the first one was the effect of bad quality control, or just a really good fake coin. hehe.

either way, i believe that God

1)has, contrary to belief, a really sweet sense of humour. now that i think of it, i can kinda imagine how He was laughing at me trying to put it in with my own strength.

2)was playing with me in a way. this morning's sermon was about reasoning and intercessory prayer. maybe i should have prayed on behalf of the coin. hmm.. oh yeah, at the same time that through faith, all things were and are possible with Him.

3)can even put a square block through a circular hole. oh yeah, i'm that positive.

i know that this may seem pretty minor. small as it seems, i am very very sure and convinced that many things, much bigger are possible. "a dollar coin through a hole that is lil smaller than it is? big deal." my friend, it was a big deal. and it is a big deal. i'm not the best with words. but trust me on this: The Lord Jesus Christ is real. it is fitting that today is the day of pentecost, the day of Christ's ascension. this day, 2000 years ago, when the Holy Spirit came down upon us. 2000 years on, and He's still waiting for you to let him in to be your saviour. don't get me wrong. i'm not brainwashing you here. if i were, i'd walk right in your face with a pendulum and try to hypnotise you as i do so. this is my experience, and would like to share the joy that i have found. notice, i said joy. primarily not because my coins went in and i get fresh clothes, but because He lives. i say, accept it if you are willing. it's a total change, that i know.

this is my word, my testimony. The Lord, Jesus Christ, lives. i'm just 17, not even legal, but take it from me, that the last sentence is true. He lives.

friends, i ask you, what can your god do that mine can't?

i've got clean clothes to fit my re-cleaned soul. fitting indeed.

Friday, June 02, 2006


"i REALLY don't care what people say about me."

"not convinced."


*mutters something under his breath*

"what(!) did you say!?"

"nothing. not like you really cared anyway."


funny how defensive statements make you vulnerable. like this: i'm not gay.

totally. ;)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


mere obstacles for the mere mortal. however, fret not, i'm more than just mortal! mwahaha! i wish. exams. argh. honestly, i think even superman would be having problems with chemistry. all he knows is kryptonite makes him strong. and probably that blur till he wears his undies outside cuz he can't remember if he wore them already. or for all you know, it's just a red groin protector that doubles up as a utility undies. like batman's belt. or he's just plain silly... anyway! or maybe he's superman by day and flasher by night! woo hoo! ugh.


i guess we all have so many other things to be grateful for. like, i'm still breathing, and alive (barely), munching on pods as i type, and going to LIVE to watch da vinci code later! yay! and i'm not being threatened by man-eating dogs to rush through my exam. (haha. imagine trying to finish up your papers in time and if they catch you still with a pen in hand, they'll let those dogs off their leash and you alive in front of your peers. mwahaha. man, i'm awfully cynical today.) or nobody walking around like peons and uttering "work work!" or "job done!". or even better, shouting out loud like you're saluting somebody," yessir!", "roger that!" "affirmative!" it's seriously irritating. get's you in the mood to work and get your job done though. but really.

things to be grateful for. i could go on and on. but i should really get onto work and start whining again.

and no, no prizes for you if you spot the irony there. ;)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

how-to-make-a-strong-statement 101

question: how to make a strong statement?

answer: just talk to me. chances are that my statements are really weak arguments. just like the last sentence. :P ha. OR, you could just base your arguments to be divinely inspired. but it had better be true. or you blasphemous thing shall... rot. heh.

ah... today's better. from my pov at least. :D

cheers people.

oh, and just in case you were wondering, all that remains, is not emptiness. it's full of hope. sometimes in life, you've just gotta highlight the good stuff and make it prominent. and live by that. hope. :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

hippie days!

I wish I was a Punk Rocker - Sandi Thom

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late to a world that doesn’t care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

When the head of state didn’t play guitar,
Not everybody drove a car,
When music really mattered and radio was king,
When accountants didn’t have control
And the media couldn’t buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn’t know everything


When popstars still remained a myth
And ignorance could still be bliss
And when God Save the Queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
When my mom and dad were in their teen
and anarchy was still a dream
and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail


When record shops were on top
and vinyl was all that they stocked
and the super ********* was still drifting out in space
kids were wearing hand me downs,
and playing games meant kick arounds
and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face


I was born too late to a world that doesn’t care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

Monday, May 22, 2006

all that remains.

take care.
i love you.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


it's gone.

Friday, May 19, 2006

predetermined rate?

ever wondered how people figured that your time was worth 20 bucks an hour or 30 bucks an hour? supposing we have 2 people of life spans of say, 50 years and 100 years, then wouldn't the first fella have a rate double of that of the second? heh. go figure :D

Monday, May 15, 2006

good enough?

i guess it's fair to say that. FAIR TO SAY. heh. your philosophical values drive you to an extent that it blinds you from "good". where "good" is relative. what is "good"? who is "good"? i'm not worthy enough to define the word "good". it is always FAIR TO SAY that everybody considers him/herself a good person.

my dad used to say," if everyone were as handsome as me, that would make me average isn't it?" yeah. true. that makes us all average. fair. equal. but because some are more equal than others, we have "good". so then, my point is, what is "good" relative to? who is your yardstick? i'm nobody to judge. i see that i'm at break even point. so it's FAIR to say that. i'm a little more than scum. i'm average. fair. ha. but then again, what is scum? where does scum rate? haha. till next time. so ladies and gentlemen, i leave with you, what is "good" to you? what is good in your perspective?

good enough? :D

Friday, May 05, 2006

fudge fudge fudge! i've got fudge in my blood. i've got fudge in my brain. oh, and i've got fudge in my pants for that matter! :D i'm high on sugar so, forgive me. fudge fudge fudge!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

the question is not about the glass.

so tell me. is it half full, or half empty? i guess being the thinker i am (not a very good one, i say.), i could sit there for hours mulling over it, turning the glass, lifting it trying to gain an extra dimension to that painful question. sitting there, wondering how anyone could say this damn glass is half empty. or half full for that matter. why why why.

i could go on speculating. as the time-old adage goes: speculate, or lose your brain. nah, i just made up that old saying part. heh. it's a fallacy i tell you. a FALLACY. it's been a sad mindset driven into the modern-day man: think. or lose it. so why am i making such a bold sweeping statement? i

1) obviously have nothing better to do.

2) think that i think but wouldn't like to think so much. thinking that thinking would help me to not lose out to this knowledge-driven world of pathetic thinkers, justifying their way of living via speculation.

3) speculate. so sue me. :D

okay, i think i'm losing it. am i? am i not? maybe? maybe not? haha. keep thinking people. we WERE given brains. hehe.

on another note, i know you bored fools are reading this pathetic junk. you could really comment you know. heh.

on yet another note, i'm so proud of my baby!! she's 16! :D happy 16th rachie~!

ladies and gentlemen, yet another random post by yours truly, just jace. :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

okay, here's what i don't get.

why do i get questions like "how's life" ? come on, why're you asking about life anyway? how come you're asking me about life? i'd rather you ask me how are you. you've known life for 18 years and known me for, like what, 2 months? so techinically you should know life better than you know me. in that case, wouldn't you rather want to get to know me instead (presuming that you're even interested) ? am i also to assume that life is, to you, more important than me? you should be, or else i'm bringing a stick next time just in case you try to touch me. i mean, c'mon, how much of me do you want? probably just enough to solve that problem in your life eh? we are after all driven by self-interest. so once i've lost that future benefit (to you) then i'm out of your life correct? that means that it's technically correct to be asking how is life rather than asking how am i right? gosh, then be a tad more sensitive and not ask the person you're gonna get rid off anyway!

heh. man, i think the stress's getting to me. studied too much accounting and now so damn technical. gosh.

oh, and just in case you're still wondering, life's as it is, life.

but i'm doing great thank you.. :D

Saturday, April 08, 2006

we all live to tell a story.
no two's the same.

that's why we have kids. because we can't wait to gloat over how much we've achieved, how much we have felt, and how much we have wasted. and our (grand)kids will just sit there listening intently, believing almost anything you say. heck, i wish my kid would even trust me when i say that santa abducted my pet monkey, mofo. hehe..

and since writing alone is *sometimes* very taxing, we find that co-author. the one to spruce things up a lil, making the tale a whole lot plausible. we tell the same story.


they fill the pages. of red and black. they still tell a tale.

of blood, tears, and love.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

my dirty lil secret.

Monday, March 27, 2006

hook. line. and sinker. what struggle?

i've been blown along. going places, i may or may not want to go to. :)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

wrestling with my heart.

i hope david wins.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

not till 25? yeah, tough. but i'll live. if i fight it off now.

i won't bite that bait. :)
one of the primary reasons i still keep this blog running is due to the fact that i've got a memory of a, um. animal with bad memory. anyway, point is, it's like those thoughts that have been kept in what i like to call "the second track", are actually noted down here. they are like my constant reminder as to what i thought about which are most often than not, the most important. and obviously, with a storage space of say, 20GB , is often considered inadequate in this modern age. and so, for some reason, important stuff comes in here. :S

the catch: it's pretty random and you may catch no ball. so sorry on that. i'm just not very articulate. if you do get it, good on you. if you don't sorry honey. not everyone catches the same ball. not when we are all playing different ball games.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

chances are, if you stop running to smile at that random guy next to you, you'll go even further.

so, smile. :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

rusty. release. switch tracks. roam. run. laugh. smile. float. anchor. smile.

yeah right.

smile a little smile for me.

Sunday, March 05, 2006




always bring tears to my eyes.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

so i fly..

detachments seem much easier now. hooked on by a single clip. easy eh? think it get's going when you know how to differentiate between friends and acquaintances. well, going places. :)

...with the wind

Sunday, February 05, 2006

game over.

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory Dickory Dock

life in a video game.

ever felt you reached game over too quick too soon? then realise you actually have 1 life left? an undeserving 2nd shot at redemption. lucky for me, this stage is over, next stage.

next level, one life left. make or break. but i like the idea of another chance. wouldn't you want another go? sure you do. don't lie to me boy. that'll be great eh? sorry to say, life ain't no video game. you pretty much can't earn an extra life by collecting coins, or jewels. you're pretty much at the mercy of others. most wouldn't, but i would. if i'm able, it's done. by my own powers (or lack off), you're forgiven.

one more time. are you game?

game. set. match. it's over. i win. we win.

let's fly.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

happy cny peeps.

just got back from sungei petani, which is like 1/2 hours drive from penang.. yup. really refreshing indulging in the yummy food, catching up with fellas from my mum's side. it's been a while. everyone's all grown up, doing their thang, working, securing deals, giving toasts, getting married. soon they'll have kids, start calling me uncle, or auntie, depending on how you are related to me, and hopefully we'll still be in touch till we crash at our deathbeds. kickass.

oh right. back to the trip. it was well yeah, fun. eating eating and just eating. heh. gonna get back into shape! yeah. i wish. :P till then fellas, happy cny!


Sunday, January 22, 2006

whatever makes you happy. and makes me happy. you know what, you might as well do something that will make everyone happy. every single one.

if only you could. if only someone could.

tax cuts would probably do the job but that's not the point. if only.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


ooh ah. new skin.

with this new template, i will now.

speak up.